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Walnut Tree Staking with Luke Milliron

Walnut Tree Staking with Luke Milliron

I got the chance a few weeks ago to chat with Fred Hoffman of the KSTE Farm Hour about not tying too closely when staking walnut trees.

Our conversation is based on an article I wrote with Janine Hasey and Bruce Lampinen: sacvalleyorchards.com/photos-from-the-field/dont-tie-so-close-plus-other-walnut-staking-considerations/

Janine’s excellent article about the no heading approach to walnut tree training: sacvalleyorchards.com/walnuts/horticulture-walnuts/training-young-walnut-trees-minimum-pruning-vs-no-pruning-compared/

Tremendous thanks to Fred Hoffman who kindly shared the audio of his interview with me. You can listen to the KSTE Farm Hour each week on Talk 650 KSTE from 12-1 on Sundays and of course on the KSTE Farm Hour podcast. Thanks to Janine Hasey for the featured photo.

Thanks to the Pistachio, Almond, Walnut and Prune Boards of California for their generous financial support. Music by Muriel Gordon.

This is a UC ANR educational podcast. Any opinions or positions taken are those of the hosts and not the University of California. Use of this platform for and any advertisements connected with this podcast do not imply endorsement.

Nitrogen Part 1: Introduction with Phoebe Gordon

Nitrogen Part 1: Introduction with Phoebe Gordon

Lu Zhang on Dust During Pistachio Bloom

Lu Zhang on Dust During Pistachio Bloom