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Navel Orangeworm Part 6, Sanitation with Dr. Emily Symmes

Navel Orangeworm Part 6, Sanitation with Dr. Emily Symmes

In the final episode of the navel orangeworm (NOW) series, Luke Milliron sits down with Sacramento Valley UCCE IPM advisor Dr. Emily Symmes to discuss sanitation practices for reducing the overwintering population of this devastating pest in nut crops.

Almond Board of California – “The Mummy Shake” music video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mGsoV5ceFeo

Tips to Prevent Early Frost Damage in Walnuts

Tips to Prevent Early Frost Damage in Walnuts

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug with Dr. Jhalendra Rijal

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug with Dr. Jhalendra Rijal