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Brown Marmorated Stink Bug with Dr. Jhalendra Rijal

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug with Dr. Jhalendra Rijal

Brown Marmorated Stink Bug is a fairly new pest to California, though it’s been in the US for a while. It’s an established pest in many states, though it has just started to move into agricultural areas in the San Joaquin Valley. In this episode, Jhalendra tells Phoebe about some of his research and observations with the new pest in Stanislaus County.

Ailanthus (Tree-of-heaven). Photo: Joseph DiTomaso

Ailanthus (Tree-of-heaven)

Photo: Joseph DiTomaso

Fraxinus latifolia. Photo: Jack Kelly Clark

Ash (Oregon Ash; Fraxinus latifolia)

Photo: Jack Kelly Clark

Pistachia chinensis. Jack Clark Kelly

Pistacia chinensis (Chinese Pistache)

Photo: Jack Kelly Clark

Navel Orangeworm Part 6, Sanitation with Dr. Emily Symmes

Navel Orangeworm Part 6, Sanitation with Dr. Emily Symmes

Chill with Dr. Katherine Jarvis-Shean

Chill with Dr. Katherine Jarvis-Shean