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Breeding Pt. 1: Walnut with Chuck Leslie & Pat Brown

Breeding Pt. 1: Walnut with Chuck Leslie & Pat Brown

Last February after the annual walnut crack out meeting, I sat down with Chuck Leslie and Dr. Pat Brown of the UC Davis Walnut Improvement Program. We first discussed the major achievements and recent outcomes of the breeding program with Chuck Leslie before turning to Pat Brown to discuss marker assisted breeding and how it is making the program more efficient.

You can learn more about the program at: walnutrootstock.ucanr.edu/

Thanks to the Pistachio, Almond, Walnut and Prune Boards of California for their generous financial support. Music by Muriel Gordon.

This is a UC ANR educational podcast. Any opinions or positions taken are those of the hosts and not the University of California. Use of this platform for and any advertisements connected with this podcast do not imply endorsement.

Bees Pt. 1: Bee Basics with Elina Nino

Bees Pt. 1: Bee Basics with Elina Nino

Band Canker in Almonds with Dani Lightle

Band Canker in Almonds with Dani Lightle