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Cover Crops for Weed Suppression with Steve Haring

Cover Crops for Weed Suppression with Steve Haring

Phoebe speaks with Steve Haring, a Ph.D. student at UC Davis, about using cover crops for weed suppression, as well as some work he’s done in almond orchards. Starting cover crops is tricky business, as it relies on the start of rain, seeding rate, and growth rate in order for them to effectively suppress weeds. Listen to learn more:

Thank you to the Almond Board of California and the California Pistachio Research Board for their funding. Music by Muriel Gordon

Pacific Flatheaded Borer with Jhalendra Rijal

Pacific Flatheaded Borer with Jhalendra Rijal

Olive Fruit Fly with Dani Lightle

Olive Fruit Fly with Dani Lightle